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A Nationwide Consultation on the Future of the Informatics Profession

Sarah Scriven

Updated: May 12, 2021

A consultation on the future of the informatics profession from FEDIP, in collaboration with the NHS in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, opens 4th May and closes 1st June 2021.

Digital and informatics infrastructure has never been more critical.

Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive transformational shift in the adoption of digital working in Health and Care in the UK (and globally) but the future challenges of a modern health and care system can only be met with the widespread adoption of digital technologies and techniques.

It is essential that people who work in this area can demonstrate that they meet the standards required and are committed to maintain and develop the standards of the profession. Doing this by the means of continuing professional development and the sharing and development of good practice. Ensuring this will protect individuals, organizations, employers, employees and patients.

The Federation of Informatics Professionals (FEDIP) was created to produce these standards. FEDIP offers Health and Care Informatics Professionals an accredited path to professional status. FEDIP believes that a high professional standard combined with a supportive community empowers practitioners to drive digital change forward within health and care.

To ensure that the profession is as represented and supported as possible, FEDIP is working in collaboration with Professional Bodies and the NHS in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to produce the ‘Becoming the Profession Consultation’. This consultation aims to gather the views of all Digital, Data, Information and Technology Experts working in health and social care, to help FEDIP and its Professional Bodies best create the resources and policies needed to support members in achieving a recognised, professional standard.

FEDIP is supported particularly in this endeavour by its Professional Body members:

  • Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts (APHA)

  • The Chartered Institute for IT (BCS)

  • The Chartered Library and Information Association (CILIP)

  • Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI)

  • Institute of Health Records and Information Management (IHRIM)

  • Society for innovation, technology and modernisation (SOCITM)

FEDIP hopes to use the responses from this consultation to learn more about those working in informatics in Health and Care, their current roles, the current support available for informatics professionals, their views on Professional Bodies and what professionals would like to see in the future.

The consultation is open to all those working in Health or Care whose role includes any aspect of Informatics. FEDIP hopes you will share your ideas to help build a profession which best serves you.

FEDIP would be most grateful if you shared your views by accessing the consultation here:


The Federation for Informatics Professionals in Health and Care


Registered in England and Wales No. 10639143

Thank you! We will be in touch soon.

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