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The Federation for Informatics Professionals in Health and Care (FEDIP) is pleased to unveil the inauguration of a centralised, public database for standardised job role profiles within the health and care informatics profession. 

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The Background

FEDIP is committed to establishing a cohesive framework of job roles within the health and care informatics profession. This initiative is anchored in an expanded Government Digital and Data Profession Capability Framework (formerly DDaT), leveraging the Skills for the Information Age framework (SFIA). As we advance towards this goal, we are currently seeking valuable input from professionals like yourselves. 

The Challenge

The current landscape is characterized by a proliferation of job titles, descriptions, and pay bands within organisations. With the evolution and growth of digital roles, these positions have undergone changes, mergers, and adaptations to meet organisational needs. This has resulted in a myriad of job titles and roles with slight variations, inconsistent bandings, and differences in levels. 

The Solution

Enter the FEDIP Occupational Architecture—an innovative new database designed to consolidate job roles into families. This framework aims to provide transparency on the skills and qualifications required for each job role, along with suggested training materials. 


The Occupational Architecture brings together existing frameworks such as GDaD and SFIA, as well as specialist frameworks specific to health and care informatics, such as the National Competency Framework and the PKSB. This unified database simplifies the existing framework landscape. 

Why Is The Occupational Architecture Helpful?

Business Change

Business change – such as organisational restructures or mergers, where there are IT operations or technical teams merging 


All elements of recruitment - identify skills and competencies required for new roles, help to shape job adverts and use for interview processes 

Career Progression

Career progression - career conversations, look at future roles and map out skills and competencies needed, create development plans 

Professional Registration

Professional registration – applying for professional registration with a professional body and being registered on the FEDIP public register as part of personal development activity 

How You Can Contribute 

The job families are now available to be reviewed on the website.



We are inviting professionals in health and care informatics to provide feedback on the first set of role profiles published on our public website []. This invaluable feedback will help refine and enhance our Occupational Architecture. 



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Passionate about Health and Care Informatics?  Dive into our newly crafted job roles and tell us, does it reflect YOUR world? Your insights matter as we strive for standardised excellence.

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